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25 Years of Experience

Kumara Seafood Private Limited is Sri Lanka’s leading seafood company was founded in 1993 by Mr & Mrs Bannehaka, a vision for producing seafood of impeccable freshness and quality.

Kumara Seafood  has one of the most modern frozen food manufacturing facilities in Sri Lanka. With new blast freezers and cold rooms, the company has an integrated production process and is a model production facility with an uninterrupted process flow.

Kumara Seafood uses sophisticated technologies drawn from Europe, the Unites States and the Far East while they also specialize in in-house engineering development leading to innovative technologies.

Kumara Seafood is one of the few companies in Sri Lanka to use continuous quick-freezing technology with spiral freezing. This leads to enhanced product quality and efficiency.

The company’s state of the art factory in Thoduwawa is  supervised by trained personnel, qualified, to ensure that the ingredients, raw materials and packaging materials meet the strictest safety and quality standards.

Local Market Handling

We are ready to store sea food in both the season and off season in our country. In the season there is uncountable wastage around the country as well as there is low price in the market. In the off season period there is a mismatch in demand and supply. Price become very critical factor in this time period. Therefore, we cater this crack in the market. Also, there are many value addition can be seen in our products.

 The following concepts specify our
uniqueness in the industry in Sri Lanka. Because of this uniqueness have been
to gain competitive advantage over other rivals and achieve the organizational
goals and objectives efficiently and effectively.